Kiln-Dried Firewood in Maine
A variety of hardwoods and softwoods can be seasoned and used as firewood, but some will burn better than others. If you are buying seasoned firewood then look for pieces that have uniform length straight grain, knots and splits have been removed, and they show no signs of having been soaked in water which would indicate that the wood has been freshly cut and is still high in moisture content.
However, as the summer winds down so does the availability of seasoned firewood. Day Logging Co. Kiln Driaed Firewood is available year-round. We cut, split and kiln dry our firewood to ensure that it’s easier to light and burns cleaner than other firewood – plus we also make sure it’s completely free of pests and fungus.
Not only will your fire burn hotter, cleaner and longer, but the kiln drying process helps to prevent mold and fungus from forming on your firewood and getting into your home.Our kiln dried firewood is perfect for indoor fires and can be used in wood burners, fireplace or wood stove.

Selling by the Cord
When selling wholesale to these suppliers, you’ll need to determine the volume of wood logs that you have. Other than that, you need to consider your transportation cost as you’ll be selling long logs that can fit inside your truck. The costs for cutting and transportation should be kept in mind when selling firewood at wholesale; otherwise, they may end up cutting into your profits. When transporting firewood logs, owing to their moisture content, make sure to keep weight considerations in mind as wood logs are quite heavy when freshly cut.
Need Kiln-Dried Firewood?
Our team is well experienced and ready to accept any challenge. Just ask.