Master Logger Certification: Why It Matters

Master Logger Certification: Why It Matters

Master Logger Certified Companies have shown that they have followed a standard that ensures the protection of employees, legal compliance, and the application of logging techniques that save water resources and soil, forest aesthetics, wildlife, and cultural...
The Added Value Sustainable Logging Brings Landowners

The Added Value Sustainable Logging Brings Landowners

Landowners who own woodlands have an opportunity to make use of their land as a long-term source of income.  Cyclical harvesting systems that provide ongoing income on a regular basis particularly maximize the long-term monetary value of forests, while retaining their...
What Does “Sustainable Logging” Mean?

What Does “Sustainable Logging” Mean?

We hear “sustainable” a lot these days.  Sustainable paper products.  Sustainable produce and farming.  Sustainable energy generation.  Clearly, “sustainable” has become a bit of a buzz word.  It’s important to understand what sustainability actually is and why it...
What is “Sustainable Logging?”

What is “Sustainable Logging?”

The logging industry has changed a lot in the last several decades.  With sustainable forest management guidelines put out by the USDA, and real research put into what approaches to logging are best for the environment, the days of indiscriminate clear-cutting are...