Are you a forest landowner?

If yes, then there may be several reasons you own this property. Some forest landowners are economically driven, and they look forward to the forest harvest. Others think of their forest property as a getaway from the busy city life where the entire family can spend time together hunting and hiking trails. 

Regardless of your reason for owning the forest land, you need to determine your landowner objectives to maximize your property’s economic benefits. Let’s look at how you can get the job done right. 


Set up Landowner Objectives 

If you are a forest landowner, the first step towards maximizing your forestland returns is to set up objectives for your land. Some of the questions that can help you determine your objectives include the following.

  • Why do you own the land? For economic benefit or for recreation?
  • What returns do you expect from the land? 
  • Is getting profit on the harvest your primary objective? Or do you solely look forward to land appreciation as your economic benefit?

Depending upon what you wish to accomplish through property ownership, you should set up 3-5 landowner’s objectives. 

Prioritize Landowner Objectives 

Once you have determined a few objectives for your landownership, now is the time to prioritize these objectives to maximize the returns on your investment. Arrange your landowner’s objectives in order of importance. 

While hunting, recreation, forest preservation, and profits are often on the list of landowner’s objectives, knowing the order in which these goals fall in relation to each other is critical for accomplishing these objectives. 

If you have already set goals for your land and are confused about prioritizing these goals, get in touch with a land management company like William A. Day Jr. & Sons to help you prioritize and streamline your land-ownership goals. 

Determine the Harvest Technique That Helps You Accomplish Your Goals 

Economic benefits are almost always on the list of landowner’s goals. However, not many landowners are aware of the fact that there are various harvest techniques that can be used so that landowners can accomplish their goals. 

Often, multiple goals can be targeted through a single harvesting technique, but there are instances when accomplishing different objectives require more creativity and planning and implementation of more than one harvesting technique. 

Knowing your forest land’s soil, the species that inhabit the land, and their regeneration techniques will help you come up with a plan that best suits your property and landowner goals. However, since not many landowners are experts at this, it is integral to choose a logging company that can come up with custom logging plans that are consistent with the size of your forest land and its species. 

When choosing a logging company, they discuss the harvest technique, including clear-cutting and shelterwood, and decide on which one is best for your land to meet the landowner’s goals.

Remember, wood harvesting is a task that needs consistency, precision, and the understanding that each land is different. Therefore, for every forest land, there is a need for a custom logging plan so that you can get the precise wood harvest service that is best suited for your land. 

Final Words 

If you are a forest landowner and don’t know how to maximize economic returns on your investment, start by setting up goals for your land. Your goals can range anywhere from economic returns to recreation, so decide on what you wish to accomplish with your forest land. If you are someone who already has a list of goals for their forest land and are not sure how to prioritize these goals, get in touch with a land management company like William A. Day Jr. & Sons.

Over the last 30 years, our experienced and dedicated team has continued to provide top-quality land management, logging, and wood harvesting services to help landowners accomplish their landowner objectives. Our dedicated professionals live up to upholding the company’s motto of sustainable forests for a brighter future. To learn more about what we do and how we can help you maximize your forestland potential, call us today at 207-625-8181.