
Sometimes, there’s confusion about what kind of arboreal professional you need to work with to accomplish your project goals.  At Day Logging we understand that not everyone is as passionate and invested in the technical details around tree service and harvesting as we are.  So, we wanted to take this opportunity to help clear up any confusion and explore some of the other important tree service professions out there and what they do.

Tree Removal: Hiring a Logger vs Hiring a Tree Removal Service

When trying to get trees removed, you may be wondering if you need a logger or a smaller-scale tree service technician.  You wouldn’t be alone.  The reality is that loggers and dedicated tree removal technicians have significantly different goals and working styles, and it really depends on both the scale of your project and what you are looking for in terms of final results. 

When You Need Tree Removal Services

These technicians focus on removing single trees, or a few unwanted trees from a property and making it look like they were never there.  They are as many landscapers as they are arboreal professionals, using a range of tools and techniques to remove stumps, backfill the remaining hole, and cover it over with grass or another appropriate plant cover.  They are the right choice for both small projects and for purely aesthetic tree removals. 

When You Need A Logging company

If you have a larger-scale project, say harvesting several acres of trees to make way for a new development, or selectively harvesting an overgrown woodlot to make the land more navigable, loggers are likely the professionals you need.  Loggers will harvest trees as you designate and will typically help you to negotiate for a good price on the timber at market.  Unlike tree removal services, loggers work at the scale of an entire forest and can take on these larger jobs and turn them into a profitable opportunity for you.  

However, you should be aware that logging companies are not most concerned with aesthetics.  They will typically not put down ground cover, they may not be as meticulous with evening out the harvested land and should be considered the first step towards changing the landscape, not the only step.

Managing a Forest: Do I Need a Forester or a Logger?

If you have a large woodlot or an entire forest on your land and you want to manage it, either for future harvesting or for another goal, it may seem unclear if you need to talk to a forester or a logger.  To a large extent, this will depend on what stage you are at with your project and how complex your goals are, but the answer is likely you need both Foresters and loggers to be kept separate under Maine law specifically so that they can pursue their different objectives to full effect.

Why You Need a Forester

Generally speaking, a forester will get involved with your project at the beginning to help you develop your plan and meet your various goals.  This is truly a vital step.  If you have a forester working with you years before you plan to harvest, they can make recommendations that will improve your overall yield and develop a harvesting plan that takes your various priorities into account. 

After the planning stages, foresters are also the key overseers for harvesting operations, with the deep knowledge and understanding of how to interact with and harvest the timber without causing ecological damage or unintended side effects.  This is very important to ensure that your woodland stays healthy and strong even after a significant harvest.

Why You Need a Logger

No matter how good the plan your forester has come up with is, it requires action to provide you with a real-world benefit.  Loggers are the ones with the manpower, expertise, and equipment to actually harvest your woodland and achieve the results your forester has laid out for you.  This means you need a reliable logger who will faithfully follow the guidelines set out for them. 

Under Maine law, foresters and loggers must be separate entities, to avoid any conflict of interest and ensure that loggers are being held to the standards of the forestry plan correctly and not cutting corners.  That said, often, it’s helpful to use a logger who has already worked with your forester in the past.

In Summary

Hiring a logging company like Day Logging is the right decision whenever you’re harvesting more than a handful of trees; hiring a forester is the right decision whenever you’re planning to harvest trees in the future, and hiring a tree removal service is the right decision when you want to remove trees for landscaping purposes.