Master Logger Certified Companies have shown that they have followed a standard that ensures the protection of employees, legal compliance, and the application of logging techniques that save water resources and soil, forest aesthetics, wildlife, and cultural heritage.

When customers hire a company with a Master Logger Certification, they do not have to worry as much about the safety and preservation of their land’s value. Anyone with this certification will be experienced and will have all the knowledge required to safely harvest timber.

Master Logger Certification (MLC) – The vetting process

When a company first applies for certification, they’re sent out a packet of information that outlines the expectations and standards of the program.  This is followed by an interview that not only goes over all this information but also is used to collect professional references and to offer applying companies the change to self-report and self-evaluate before proceeding.

Next, a Northeast Master Logger Certification (NEMLC or MLC) accredited field verifier is sent to carry out a field evaluation and inspection of the company’s operations at three coded harvest sites.  This allows the official to rate the consistency of harvest practices and make certain that the company meets or exceeds MLC performance standards in the field.  These inspections become a formal part of the company’s application for certification.

The applying company has the opportunity to review and suggest amendments or changes to the field verifiers’ reports, however, these must be submitted in writing and will only be included in addition to the reports as written.  When this process is complete, the application moves into its fourth stage: review by the certification board.

Applications are reviewed in full by the MLC certifying board, made up of people who are stakeholders with practical experience and expertise when it comes to managing natural resources and rural economic developments.  Without a unanimous vote of support from the full board, the applying company cannot be accredited.  This means that if even one board member finds the application inadequate to meet the certification standards, they will not be certified. 

Even once a company has been certified, they are randomly audited at harvest sites to ensure adherence to MLC standards for two years, to ensure standards are being met.

Benefits of Working With a Certified Master Logger

  • More sustainable forests that will help loads of generations to come.
  • Confidence that your logger is competent and vetted.
  • A clear higher authority to appeal to if there is a problem with the logger (the MLC accepts public comments and considers them carefully).
  • Minimal concern about local regulations–As a matter of course, MLC complies operate within the rules and regulations of whatever municipality the work is in, and often adhere to higher safety and environmental standards than required by those municipalities.
  • Certified Master Loggers offer the benefits of FSC Chain of Custody Certification.
  • Landowners and customers will be assured that the company follows recognized standards, which means that they are likely to pay better.
  • Confidence that your logger is fully insured and covered in case of any accidents that take place during your project, regardless of the party at fault.

What Landowners Think

Countless customers have had wonderful experiences with master loggers. Not only do these loggers have credibility and recognition, but they can beautifully handle all geographic questions to ensure that companies are clear on how to successfully harvest a woodland. 

But you don’t have to take our word for it.  There are video testimonials and written testimonials about the positive experience landowners have had working with certified master loggers.  The difference between working with a master logger and an uncertified logger can be night and day, especially if you own a large plot to be harvested where there are many considerations.

Day Logging

At Day Logging, we take out Master Logger Certification very seriously.  We work tirelessly to preserve the environments we work in and satisfy the landowners we work with.  If you’ve had trouble with other loggers, it might be time to experience the Day Logging difference.  Give us a call today to start working with a certified master logger in Maine or New Hampshire.